Procurement Specialist - Tokyo



As a new generation medical device company, we believe in the power of working together to make a meaningful and positive difference. Applied Medical is committed to improving the accessibility and affordability of high-quality healthcare globally. We achieve this through a vertically integrated business model that enables our team members to develop technologies that enhance clinical care, while offering boundless opportunities for professional growth. We are dedicated to creating an environment where team members of diverse backgrounds are valued, challenged and acknowledged.  Applied Medical’s products have been serving the Japanese market for over 20 years.  In order to continue to build sustainable Japanese partnerships so we can serve the evolving needs of the Japanese health system, we are investing in hiring new team members. 

雇用機会均等 アプライドメディカルは、多様性を尊重する雇用機会均等企業です。人種、肌の色、性別、性的指向、性自認または性表現、宗教、国籍、年齢、障害、配偶者の有無、その他アプライドメディカルの事業拠点において法律により保護されている項目は一切問いません。